HIV and AIDS: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention
Human Acuquired Immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that cause accquied immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). HIV weakens tour immune system by destoring T-Cells until you are unable to unable to fight off weaken even minor illness.You can have HIV without any symptoms.Getting testing and started treatment early give you the best chance live a long life. Overview What is HIV? HIV stand for human immunodeficiency virus. HIV infect and destory cell of your immune system cell, make it hard to fight agint dieases. When HIV severly weaken your immune system it can lead to accquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Because HIV works backward to insert its instructions into your DNA, it is called a retrovirus. What is AIDS? AIDS is the final and most serious stage of the (HIV). People with AIDS have very low count of certain white cell and severly damage immune system.They may have additional illnesses that indicate that they have progressed to AIDS. Without treatment, HIV infecti...